Coaching Professionals
Inspiring professionals to honor their highest potential.Coaching Professionals
Discover renewed enthusiasm for your work and career success through career coaching that aligns your interests and motivations with your life goals. As an experienced coach, Olivia is uniquely qualified to assist individuals who are seeking new opportunities, striving to achieve developmental goals or who have been separated from their jobs.
Olivia believes that individuals can LivMore engaged and productive when given the opportunity to understand and embrace their own styles, strengths, and needs.
“Each time a door closes the rest of the world opens up.” – Parker Palmer

Supporting Individuals through various seasons…
“I have had the opportunity to support individuals through various seasons of their careers. Being curious about one’s goals and challenges while providing time and space to explore opportunities is the foundation of the coaching relationship. It is incredibly rewarding when clients shift their energy and focus to new possibilities.” – Olivia Martin

I was not sure there would be value in working with Olivia. I am a senior business executive with decades of leadership and business experience in multiple disciplines. In my view, I have been successful. I know my strengths and weaknesses well. I couldn’t see how she could help me be more successful, but a trusted friend insisted I have just one meeting. That one meeting led to a series of sessions that changed my world.
She didn’t preach or prod. She asked deep questions and listened actively. She would not accept glib or superficial answers. She called out deflecting responses and made me think. She helped me discover things that mean the most to me. She shined a light on things that detract energy from me. She gave me the gift of understanding myself.
I have relied heavily on Olivia with LivMore in two major career transitions. Years ago, as I considered leaving the practice of law, Olivia walked me through a personality assessment and helped me shift my perspective on a new career path in sales that completely changed my life for the better. With Olivia’s help, I made connections with people all over the world and won several sales awards.
I rely heavily on Olivia in shaping my messaging and maintaining the right energy level as I take on new ventures and continue to grow my network and business.
Her honesty and ability to articulate issues clearly have been invaluable resources to me, and I am so thankful to have her in my corner!
From the first phone call with her I felt she was someone that was going to help me with so much more than just updating my resume. Her listening skill is on the verge of supernatural. Weeks after that first call I finally met with Olivia at her kitchen table. She remembered all the things I’d said on that first call. It was incredible how she repeated back to me the things we had discussed weeks earlier.
She saw me for who I really am. She gave me conformation that I was trying to make something work that was an impossible situation.
She provided professional insight and an unbiased voice to guide me during this time. She shared wise counsel and encouraging words as I made some important decisions.
Am I Ready for Coaching? Quiz
Are you wondering if you’re ready for coaching? Please complete a short quiz to help you make this important decision.
For each item below, use a 1 to 5 scale to indicate how much you agree with each statement:
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly agree
Scoring the Quiz:
Now add each of the 18 ratings above. Total Score = _______________
Interpreting Your Score:
72 to 90: Ready for a coaching relationship
Congratulations! You show an extremely strong interest in moving forward and/or making positive life and career changes. You might be seeking fulfillment across several life areas or a specific situation or relationship that is currently creating dissatisfaction for you. Any of these issues are appropriate for coaching and can help you work through issues that are blocking you from your best life. An especially positive indicator is that you understand that to receive the benefits of coaching, you’re also willing to make a commitment to the process.
54 to 71: An interest in learning more about a coaching relationship
Your score suggests that although you could benefit from coaching, you may not be aware of what a coach could offer. You also may be skeptical of or concerned about whether changes are really possible and wondering what you might have to sacrifice to get them. Maybe you’re coping with a situation that isn’t quite ideal but not painful enough to seek support. You might think you’re too busy to commit to coaching. Or, perhaps you’d be seen as weak if you admit you want some help reaching your most personal goals. If any of this sounds like you, please consider contacting me for a free 30-minute session, with no obligation whatsoever, simply to learn about what coaching could offer for you.
18 to 53: No recognized need or desire for a coaching relationship at this time
Your score suggests that this particular time isn’t appropriate for a coaching relationship. If you’ve achieved your goals and have a satisfying life and career, congratulations! That’s a wonderful achievement and something to be incredibly proud of. If, on the other hand, life is challenging and you’ve decided that “good enough” is good enough or there is no point in trying to change, I urge you to allow yourself the opportunity to get more out of life.
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